Not for Profit Organizations (NPO) have a unique business model. The NPO will typically be established to provide a service for education, health, or some other endeavor. Generally, NPOs do not earn profits for their owners. The revenue comes from small charges for services or from the generosity of the public.
Per the Association of Certified Forensic Examiners, “Nonprofit organizations can be more susceptible to fraud due to having fewer resources available to help prevent and recover from a fraud loss. This sector is particularly vulnerable because of less oversight and lack of certain internal controls.”
Much of the fraud is committed by those with the ability to authorize a transaction or override internal controls. Typically, these individuals are in the management and executive management positions.
Our investigation reports are compiled using calculations that will be supported by exhibits. We believe there should be no doubt as to how a number was derived and the impact on the organization. The report is a key piece of the litigation and needs to stand on its own.
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